Technical Info

Validation of Patented Wet Compression Technology

  Wet compression is much more than spraying water into the turbine. Wet compression on a combustion turbine must be applied systematically and only after a thorough evaluation of the effects on the combustion turbine and all the auxiliaries. The improper design and application of wet compression can cause significant damage to the combustion turbine. …

Performance Enhancement Of GT 24 With Wet Compression Technology

by Sanjeev Jolly, P.E. Scott Cloyd Caldwell Energy Company Louisville, Kentucky, USA ABSTRACT The performance effects of applying wet compression to an advanced frame combustion turbine, the Alstorm GT-24, are presented and contrasted to the performance of mature Frame combustion turbines that have been operated with wet compression systems for many years. The performance comparisons …

Direct Spray System For Inlet Air Cooling W 501 B5

by Sanjeev Jolly, P.E. Joseph Nitzken, P.E. Donald Shepherd Caldwell Energy & Environmental, Inc. Louisville, Kentucky, USA ABSTRACT Cooling the inlet air utilizing water spray system can increase the performance of a combustion turbine during hot weather. In a direct spray system, water is added to the sir stream in the form of fine droplets. …

Peaking Capacity Enhancement Of ABB 11N1 With Thermal Energy Storage

by Sanjeev Jolly, P.E. Joseph Nitzkin, P.E. Donald Shepherd, Cladwell Energy & Environmental, Inc. Louisville, Kentucky, USA Douglas T. Eberlin, P.E. Wisconsin Electric Milwaukee, Wisconsin ABSTRACT Many electrical utilities are experiencing increased seasonal demand due to air conditioning use. Current air quality rules and regulatory changes in the industry favor the installation of combustion turbines …

Application Of Wet Compression For Aeroderivitive Combustion Turbines

by Sanjeev Jolly, P.E. Scott Cloyd Caldwell Energy Company Louisville, KY James Hinrichs PURENERGY LLC San Diego, CA ABSTRACT While the application of wet compression to boost turbine capacity has been successfully applied to industrial frame machine, only recently has this technology been applied to aeroderivatives like the LM-2500. The principles of applying wet compression …